Hair loss can be attributed to many different factors, including stress and genetic traits. Finding a relationship between these factors helps researchers establish a pattern of evidence that can be used to find a cure for androgenic alopecia. Recently, there have been a large number of studies done concerning the effects of caffeine on hair loss.
Caffeine is a naturally occurring stimulant that can be found in some of our favorite drinks, such as coffee and tea. The relationship between humans and caffeine goes back thousands of years, and a lot of research is being conducted around the world on what types of effects this chemical has on our bodies. Evidence suggests that caffeine has no adverse effects on hair loss. In fact, the latest studies show that the opposite may be true.
How Does Caffeine Help?
Caffeine helps prevent hair loss by reacting with the chemical dihydrotestosterone, or DHT for short. DHT is a hormone that binds to hair follicles and starves them of nutrients, and it is a leading factor in hair loss for men and women with androgenic alopecia. After prolonged exposure to the hormone, hair follicles slowly disappear, reducing the quality of hair until eventually, balding occurs. When caffeine binds to DHT, it counteracts these effects and prevents the rapid deterioration of the hair follicle by regulating hair growth.
Although the effects of caffeine seem promising, more information is needed to understand its actual relationship with hair follicle growth. Skeptics argue that merely drinking caffeinated drinks is not enough to completely reverse the damage DHT causes and that applying caffeinated lotions and shampoos might be a better method to ensure caffeine reaches the scalp. Even then, caffeine may only slow down the effects of DHT and may not do anything to reverse the effects of hair thinning and loss.
Hairline Ink offers a practical solution for individuals who experience hair loss. We are experts in the field of 3D scalp micropigmentation, and we have years of experience in restoring confidence to both men and women! To speak to one of our specialists and learn more about the treatments we provide, call us today at 833-HAIR-INK (833-424-7465)