Providing a cure for baldness has been a goal of the personal beauty industry for decades. Both men and women suffer from genetic pattern baldness that causes their hair to thin or fall out over time. There are entire industries centered around stopping or reversing this problem. There have been treatments developed that slow or prevent the rate of thinning, and surgical procedures that add new hair to the scalp. None of these solutions is perfect. Either they are costly, have low success rates, or don’t regrow hair, so research is still being conducted to find a treatment that could solve hair loss.
One of the possible solutions is a 3D hair follicle model recently developed by The Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology, or IBN. This model is a hair follicle-like structure that is very similar to an organic hair follicle. The development of this model will make it much easier to understand the factors that cause hair loss and any solutions that might work to stop it. The IBN team was able to develop this model by using a microfiber fabrication process to combine two types of hair cells, dermal papilla cells and keratinocytes. These cells combine to create a close replica of an actual hair cell.
While this technology is up-and-coming, it’s still going to be a while before it starts to have a real effect on those suffering from hair loss. This model hasn’t even been commercialized yet. If it were, then it could be used by pharma companies to develop drugs that would stop or reverse hair loss. Unfortunately, a hair loss cure coming from this model is still years, if not decades, away.
The good news is, there are non-chemical and non-surgical options to fight hair loss that are still very effective. Scalp micropigmentation is a sophisticated pigmentation procedure which fills in the hairline and makes it look like you have a full head of hair.
This procedure is permanent and indistinguishable from real hair, and the experts at Hairline Ink have years of experience performing the procedure. One day, there will be a perfect medical solution to hair loss, but until then, give scalp micropigmentation a try. Call or text us today at 833-HAIR-INK (833-424-7465) to schedule an appointment, learn about our pricing, or to get a free quote!